Saturday, May 23, 2015

Read books by Martinus Thomson free on-line.

Read books by Martinus Thomson free on-line:

On-line Buddhist meditation retreat

There is an on-line 8-day Buddhist meditation retreat available here:

Detailed description (including links to source materials)

You can sign up for the retreat and work with an instructor, or you can use the source materials, videos etc, on your own at your own pace.

If you sign up, they ask for a donation, whatever you feel like paying, after the retreat.

This style of meditation is based on the teachings of the Buddha. Most "Buddhist" meditation taught today is based on later commentaries on what Buddha taught.

More articles here:

4. Being a spiritual researcher - lecture by Ole Therkelsen

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Darwin's God: The Evolution of Neural Crest Cells: Teleology Rai...

Darwin's God: The Evolution of Neural Crest Cells: Teleology Rai...: Early stem cells were set aside to create new features There is a reason why Aristotle’s ideas persisted for thousands of years—they adv...

Saturday, May 2, 2015


UNDERSTANDING RIOTS David D. Haddock and Daniel D. Poisby